The Jewish Cultural Society is the Secular Humanistic Jewish congregation in Ann Arbor.

  • JCS was founded in 1965 and is Ann Arbor’s second oldest Jewish congregation (read more about our history).
  • JCS operates as a quasi-coop. There are salaried employees (school principal, madrikha), but most of the program activities are carried out by volunteers from the membership, and all members are expected to volunteer for some activities. The Board of Directors is elected by the membership, but in practice, any member can volunteer to serve on the Board.
  • JCS is a congregation, and does what most congregations do: sponsor life cycle events (baby naming, weddings, b’nei mitzvah, funerals), holiday observances, social actions, Jewish community events, adult education, a K–8 Sunday School, social events, etc. But JCS is not religious; we do not have prayer services, worship services, Torah reading, and the like. (Read more about our philosophy and observances.)
  • In addition to a comprehensive Sunday School and a b’nei mitzfah program, JCS programs include First Friday Shabbat, Third Friday Chavurah (a potluck once-a-month dinner at members’ houses for empty nesters), and holiday services and gatherings.
  • JCS is an active participant in the larger Jewish community of Ann Arbor. Its members have served as President and Vice-President of the Jewish Community Center, on the Board of the Jewish Federation, and in other leadership positions.